Equine Initial Consultation and Treatment
Spinal Manipulation (animal chiropractic)..............$298
Acupuncture with Spinal Manipulation.....$422
TCVM Consult for Holistic Wellness Services (2 hr)........................$318
**TCVM = Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine**
Equine Recheck Consultation and Treatment
Spinal Manipulation (animal chiropractic)..............$176
Acupuncture with Spinal Manipulation.....$287
Equine Dentistry
Dental Float & Sedation...................$224
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy 1-3 sites - Single Treatment.................$32
Laser Therapy 1-3 sites - Package of 6 Treatments.......$165
End of Life Care - Equine
Humane Euthanasia...........$320
Body Care........Variable based on available options
Call Fees per Visit - Based on miles from Hastings, MN***
10 miles or less...........$58
11 miles to 35 miles.....$63
36 miles to 45 miles....$68
46 miles to 59 miles....$72
60 miles or more......will be discussed at appointment scheduling
**Acupuncture Consult and Treatment includes food therapy plan and herbal plan using Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)**
**All Consultations include phone and email support after consultation, between appointments**
**Prices are subject to change without notice**
***Call Fees are the total cost for a round trip***
Spinal Manipulation (animal chiropractic)..............$298
Acupuncture with Spinal Manipulation.....$422
TCVM Consult for Holistic Wellness Services (2 hr)........................$318
**TCVM = Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine**
Equine Recheck Consultation and Treatment
Spinal Manipulation (animal chiropractic)..............$176
Acupuncture with Spinal Manipulation.....$287
Equine Dentistry
Dental Float & Sedation...................$224
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy 1-3 sites - Single Treatment.................$32
Laser Therapy 1-3 sites - Package of 6 Treatments.......$165
End of Life Care - Equine
Humane Euthanasia...........$320
Body Care........Variable based on available options
Call Fees per Visit - Based on miles from Hastings, MN***
10 miles or less...........$58
11 miles to 35 miles.....$63
36 miles to 45 miles....$68
46 miles to 59 miles....$72
60 miles or more......will be discussed at appointment scheduling
**Acupuncture Consult and Treatment includes food therapy plan and herbal plan using Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)**
**All Consultations include phone and email support after consultation, between appointments**
**Prices are subject to change without notice**
***Call Fees are the total cost for a round trip***